Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm Not Wrong, I'm Just Not Wrong!

I know this may easily offend, so steer clear if you even think you won't like it. Today apparently I offended someone and their political views. I do apologize to this person, but I have to say I don't think I'm wrong.

How can people say, because a certain person was NOT elected, that they feel scared, numb, frightened, etc??? What that implies to me is that they are ignorant and well, I just won't say anymore. This unelected person decided it was better to back out of Michigan only a few weeks before our historical and amazing vote the other night. Now, to me, that is not a good example to set as a would-be leader. It's cowardice and a sign of a quitter. Hmmmmmmm........not exactly what I expect out of my future leader. I have never aligned myself with any particular party. Although I was raised in a democratic household and married into a republican one. I have voted for both sides. This time around I sided with a winner! And, not to mention the "Change We Need!" I am proud to call Mr. Obama my president now and till the end of his term in office and I will pray for his safety every day for protection from the racist and bigoted. 

This was personal for me mostly I think because where we live is doing so poorly, but strong people will always survive regardless of your situation. You must Improvise, Adapt to Overcome! This is the motto in our home these days thanks to a former ex marine boss of my husbands. Matt works in the auto industry and our life has been a constant struggle ever since. We at least had enough foresight for him to go back to school, as he already has an Associates and a Bachelors degree that didn't get him where he needed to be, he will be receiving his 3rd degree just to be able to make it in this struggling economy. Being on the line as it were, his job will soon go to the lowest bidder as will all men and women in his position! It is just the reality of our times and area of the country.

People, what I'm saying is EMBRACE CHANGE! Damn! I get so frustrated hearing racist jokes about Obama and bullshit about being disappointed. Get on the bus and fast track it to the 21 Century, life is too short to spend your life afraid to change.



Jenn said...

I clicked over and read the comment you left that initiated the hub-ub. Honestly? I didn't find it offensive at all. You were honest about your feelings, yet respectful.

Traditionally, I have voted Republican and held conservative views. Perhaps it is life experences and growing older - or simply fed up with the direction this country is going, but I voted for a Democrat. We NEED change.

Brooke S. Rochon said...

Thanks Jenn. Yeah, my intent was not to be disrespectful, but for her to see that in my opinion she was overreacting. But, really, that's only my opinion.