Monday, January 25, 2010

What A Life!

Not really, just bidness as usual. Yesterday was my "day" to sleep in, that's how my hubs and I work it at home so that the same person isn't waking up at some god awful hour with the kids. Although it always seems that he is the one to have to get up when the kids decide, "ya know, I think 6am is a perfectly acceptable time to wake up on a Sunday morning!" Muwahhhhahahaha I say as I roll back over and stay in bed till 10. Mind you, the kids got up at 8:30 on my watch and I managed to bathe the baby then put him down for a nap, do the dishes and clean the house, all before hubs woke up. Not too shabby. But, poor Matt had a banner day yesterday. He was basically up by 5:30, officially with both kids at 7am. In that time, Cohen threw up twice, had a bath a short name and was generally boogery and crabby. Stella was demanding as usual and my restful sleep to be was constantly interrupted by bellows from below. When Matt doesn't get enough sleep, WATCH OUT! Then I got up, showered and was ready for the day, he was off to take his mother to Canada to buy her some things. As soon as he got back he was going to do laundry only to realize that my using the disposal after I hit the grocery store with both kids in tow then came home and cleaned out the fridge, put baby down for a nap, started our dinner of corned beef and cabbage and finally ate my lunch at 3pm, that my running the disposal had backed up in the wash tub in the basement. In a word, he was disgusted. Seething underneath, but swearing to me it was not my fault, YEAH RIGHT! After a few hours of trying to bail out and plunge, he went back to his moms to get her drain snake. It didn't work. Luckily he has a friend who is a plumber, but as you can see he is a man and refuses to admit defeat and waited until 8pm to call him. Needless to say, his friend was over tonight for a couple hours and cleaned out the drain like a champ, he is my new hero and the poor guy wouldn't take a dime from us.

Phew. I'm tired just from typing it and I was the one who lived it.

Today was spent trying to figure out ways to make extra buckage, not doing so well yet, but I'll keep trying. I'm so over with this struggling thing, but then I remind myself that I'm only 32 and my time is coming. Right?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Have Been Published

The other day as I was going through my usual job search process I take nearly every single day, I stumbled upon something of interest. A job posting looking for designers with a lot of experience to write articles for a design website. I said "what the hell you can simultaneously conquer your fear of writing and make a few extra dollars in the process." I emailed the company and within less than 8 hours got the opportunity to try out. So, I searched the recesses of my tired mind and thought about what has been at the forefront of my brain these days and landed upon my idea. I would write an article about my struggles and successes with freelance work and the process as I see it. I sent the article off last night and didn't hear anything and after a long day with the kids, starting a new class tonight and coming home to more frustration with a client, I checked the website for the company whom I wrote the article for and tada!, here it is. I was even given credit for the article when I was told originally that I would start as a ghost writer. I'm so excited, I've never been published, and this is a dream come true. Thanks GrindSmart!

Like I said, I started my class tonight, Dreamweaver and I can't wait to get started. I have been designing for over ten years now and I am dying to break my way into web design. I feel like I am very skilled in print and design, and this lack of full web design knowledge is really cramping my style. So, here I am busting down these walls for myself and it feels pretty damn good when I look back and see how tough and what a struggle this last year has been. I've come a long way baby and it feels really damn good!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I Wear My Heart on My Sleeve.

If you already know me, you know that I am an emotional person. Just like everyone else, I feel sad, angry, happy, blah, etc. I however, maybe like some of you out there, let it rule me from time to time. I may be different from you, but since I can remember, this has shaped who I have become. I mean, in preschool I was voted most sympathetic. And, for me, my sympathy comes with a small price. If I've given you some sympathy, all I ask in return is that from time to time you let me be me around you. I won't apologize for being who I am, but if you don't like it, maybe you should reconsider the relationship we have. I would not ask you to stifle yourself and stop doing something that comes naturally to you, even if it rubbed me the wrong way. I would accept that it is just a part of your personality and leave it at that. I guess what I've learned is there are people who are in it with you 100% and others who are only maybe 75-90% and that's ok but don't make me feel less than.

Besides that, I like people who show their emotions, it lets me know that you are real and true. And it lets me know what things effect you in both positive and negative ways. Is that so wrong?