Saturday, January 2, 2010

I Wear My Heart on My Sleeve.

If you already know me, you know that I am an emotional person. Just like everyone else, I feel sad, angry, happy, blah, etc. I however, maybe like some of you out there, let it rule me from time to time. I may be different from you, but since I can remember, this has shaped who I have become. I mean, in preschool I was voted most sympathetic. And, for me, my sympathy comes with a small price. If I've given you some sympathy, all I ask in return is that from time to time you let me be me around you. I won't apologize for being who I am, but if you don't like it, maybe you should reconsider the relationship we have. I would not ask you to stifle yourself and stop doing something that comes naturally to you, even if it rubbed me the wrong way. I would accept that it is just a part of your personality and leave it at that. I guess what I've learned is there are people who are in it with you 100% and others who are only maybe 75-90% and that's ok but don't make me feel less than.

Besides that, I like people who show their emotions, it lets me know that you are real and true. And it lets me know what things effect you in both positive and negative ways. Is that so wrong?


Ker said...

First, I love the new layout! Second, I totally hear you on this. I thought the same thing about myself, but your post caused me to ponder if I really was accepting of an individuals quirk/personality traits. Good, thought provoking post Brooke!

Chef E said...

Darn, blogger is doing maintenance so I cannot follow you on your button, can you come over and make a comment, so I will remember to come back tomorrow? Thanks...

Like the pondering of a fellow creative personality!