Saturday morning about 7am, we're heading off to Chicago for a family reunion. No, we're all from Michigan, but my aunt and uncle live there and thought it was a good excuse for everyone to travel. Thankfully for me I had work come in and pay at the right time and here we are preparing to head off. It should be a nice time for all of us and I've promised Stella, absolutely NO COMPUTER for me and she is thrilled. I borrowed a friends portable DVD player and bought the Coraline DVD, we should be good to go.
It's 1am, I have a long day ahead of me, good night all.
Oh yes and to those of you on Facebook who wondered why I defriended my SIL, this is why. Matt and I work very hard to do what little we can do with our kids at the moment, but yes we owe his mom and my mom a small some of money. The other day Matt let his mom know we were going this weekend and she tried to make him feel guilty by saying "well we never went anywhere, why should you!!" I have not gone anywhere fun since February 2003 before I got pregnant with Stella and damnit, we NEED a vacation and I'll be damned, it's a family reunion. So on Facebook the other day, I vented and said that just once I'd like to be able to do something without the least bit of guilt. VOILA, that's all it took, my SIL basically tattled on me, telling her mom and leaving me no choice but to defriend. I felt invaded and stabbed in the back. She doesn't work, sleeps all day and basically has nothing to do all day but worry about what other people are saying, I'M DONE feeling guilty and if she wants to have an honest and frank discussion about our situation, she's invited over to discuss, but I can't live like this anymore. I am tired of being judged for what I think, what I say and what I do. I like to say what's on my mind, I'm often mildly inappropriate and don't take too well to criticism. There, I said it, I AM HUMAN and damnit, don't treat me like a piece of shit. Does that tell you anything?
Oh, Brooke - I'm sorry about the family drama. It sucks to owe family money, but it sucks even worse when they hold it over your head. I hope you enjoy your time in Chi-town!
Hey B! Love that logo you created! So clean. I like it a lot.
Sorry to hear about the family drama. That's never fun. :( Hope it gets better soon!
Have fun in Chitown! Maybe you can tke the kids to the aquarium. Totally worth it.
That was a completely sucky thing for her to do. Don't you wish that when high school was over HIGH SCHOOL WAS OVER??
Stupid drama.
p.s. Love the logo!
What a cute page. Just found it today!
So sorry about the family drama. It's been a looooong year of scrimping and saving. Sometimes you just have to say to heck with it and throw caution to the wind! You guys deserve a little vacation! Love the GC logo. I'm off to go check out Matt's website design....
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