I did it, and hopefully for good. I really started hating Facebook and to be honest, we had a rather abusive relationship. I would get angry, I would say things I meant and then take them back. Then I just wouldn't say anything for a while. Then of course the nasty messages were sent and posts deleted and the damage had been done. I'm hoping that this is a forever severed relationship, but if not, when I do decide to come back, it will be to a foreshortened list of friends and family who seem to get me. I never mean negativity or unkindness to anyone, but damn some folks just seem to ask for it don't they?
I think too that this will be better for my home and work life. I get so easily distracted by the games, message board etc that I often just sit and surf and come back to it in the hopes that something new and different has been posted, but really is it ever that ground-breaking or interesting? NO! Just like me, it is a lot of crap that you must filter through to get to the real meaningful stuff, but I figure if I'm off Facebook that means I can blog more often and get more done and spend more quality time with the people that surround.
OK, now back to life.
I will miss you, but know where to look :)
FB IS a big time suck. I am guilty of being sucked in more than I'd like to be lately and neglecting my other responsibilities. :(
Try PLUM, it has similar functionality to Facebook, but is private, invite only. You have much more control !!
I too keep considering deleting my facebook account. It is a big waste of time and a little unhealthy I think. At least for me. Good for you for getting away from it.
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