Well, not exactly I suppose. I was in the powder room the other day attempting to do something with my hair because I'm debating/deciding whether or not to let my hair grow long. Yes, yes, how do you prevent your hair from growing, har har har, but you know what I mean. Since the day after I got married, I've pretty much had hair no longer then my chin with a brief time where I let it grow past my shoulders. I'm trying, it will be difficult. So, while trying to figure out a way to deal with my bangs for the day, I uncovered the most seemingly mysterious, yet dreadfully distressing thing...a patch of grey hair. :(I know, everyone ages, it cannot be escaped, but somehow I thought maybe I would be forgotten about. Who was I kidding, my gorgeous grandmother went completely white by something like 30, by far it could be worse. Although, it was the most beautiful showing of age I've ever seen. I miss her.
I've been sort of sad about it for the last 2 days until someone said, but that's what I'm here for, my friends who's going to cosmetology school. Aha! She's right, if I don't like it, there are things I can do about it, although they may not be the choice of just anyone. I'm a graphic designer, I LOVE color, and it is acceptable in my industry to us to be "eccentric." So, below are a couple photos of what I am planning to do as far as color. Eff You grey hair, I'm comin' for ya!

Yup, I'm going wild. I've always wanted to be a rich, warm brunette although I have extremely thin hair, which I hate, but I make the best of it. I will also be adding a nice shade of purple to the underneath portion and possibly a little something up top and front. I know it's not for everyone, but I like to try new things. I showed Stella and she thought I was crazy and said that she would be embrrassed. Oh well, she's got quite a few years of that ahead. Ha ha ha!
You may not know this, but I was a hair dresser for 30 years, still have a license and cut friends- warning will robinson, warning- light makes things look thicker and dark makes things look smaller, so if you have thin hair you will make it look thinner.
I suggest a light to medium blonde, level six, since that seems to be what I see in the photo, and go with the same level, just for grey coverage, and do some highlights around the fame and top only...
There I have paid you back in a consulting way :) (minimal value to what you do for me of course!)
I like the colors, and will be intersted to see how they look on you. We are approximately the same skin tone (and freckly). Good luck!
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