Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Something Good in All the Bad.

So, I've been trying to help us keep afloat on just whatever freelance work I can muster up, along with whatever hours are tossed my way (ahem: meager). Well, Matt goes to school 3 nights a week and on Thursdays he just adores his teacher. He learns a lot and she's just really a very nice person. On Sunday night, Matt gets an email from this teacher and says for me to forward my resume to her. I do and by Monday morning she asks me if I would like to come in to Schoolcraft with my portfolio so that she can talk to me about a part time job with the colleges marketing department. I was thrilled! While the money isn't going to save our house, it will however save my sanity and what's more important in the grand scheme of things right? I go in and good lord I just thought I totally flopped and she probably thinks I'm a wet blanket, untalented hack. I told Matt that if I did get the job, it would only because she likes him. That night I took the kids to Target to do our typical baby food and bunch of crap I don't need shopping trip and to my surprise when we got home and I checked my email, I got the "You're Hired" email. I was completely stunned, but so thrilled. It will only be part time, 8:30-12:30 Monday through Friday, but it will allow me to do my other job as well as work flows in, so all is not lost. Some how, some day we will own a home again, but at least until then, we won't be homeless. Fingers crossed anyway. :)


Unknown said...

that's awesome Brooke!

Ker said...

I don't know how I missed this post! This is such great news! Congrats Brooke! I'm envious that you will be using your creative side in your new endeavor (I'm not looking forward to going back to my desk).

Congrats again!

Jenn said...

So very very happy for you Brooke! Not to mention the college's marketing dept will be a big boon to your resume! :)