Saturday, June 20, 2009

Signs of My Time

Stella's party was a success! In spite of colder temps, overcast skies and a few obnoxious neighborhood girls, she had a wonderful birthday party. The present du jour this year was the Hannah Montana Barbie doll she received from her Aunt Yaya and Uncle Paul, her excitement over this doll was all over her face. The next day however, we paid dearly for allowing her to stay up past her bed time, and for the intake of sugar and "treats" as well. Bed time is not just a number in our house, it is a lifestyle. We all do what works for each of us and we know that if Stella is not sleeping by 9pm, the next day she is a wreck, crying at the least little thing and unable to focus the entire day. Cohen however is verging on not being able to stay up past about 6:30, he's my little party animal.

This week has been very introspective for me. Remember back a post or two when I talked about wanting to teach? Well, I've been gearing myself up to go back to school at Schoolcraft for web design with the idea in mind that I simply wanted a better job, that paid well and maybe offered some decent benefits. I never thought it would be a problem "getting in" to Schoolcraft though, I never bargained for that. Turns out, if you already have an associates from that school in the same program, you'll be hard pressed to get any aid at all (I can't get FAFSA money as I already have my undergraduate degrees) from the school. So, our work around is me achieving my Web Specialist Certificate instead. I had to write a little letter to the Financial aid department explaining my situation and now it will take them 2 weeks to make a decision. Fingers are crossed.

While contemplating this new "situation" I realized that in order to achieve my real dream, I would need much more than improved skills in web design, I NEEDED my MFA. So, I'm starting on this journey. I've looked into a few, but Eastern looks the best suited for my needs. Close to home (sort of), I don't have to be a full time student, they take more than 10 students per year and compared to Cranbrook and U of M it's less costly. One bright spot is that because of our current financial situations, it should make applying for financial aid next year be to my benefit, hopefully I'll get grants.

I just know this is something I MUST do, since losing my job after Cohen was born, I can see how my work has improved in leaps and bounds. I'm not bragging by any means, it's just that working for someone where all you could do was emulate there style for three years, left no room for creativity and not time or desire to do anything for myself either. And then before that, I worked for a marketing company and I didn't have the drive to do anything outside of work to further myself. I was young and thought, "I have my career now, there's no need to do any extra." Boy was I wrong, I might be a lot further along if I never had that attitude.

So, lot's to think about here, but I know some day I want to teach and I guess be able to say that I have my MFA, I guess it's the equivalent of a doctorate. I'm happy right now. :)


Dancing Phalanges said...

Glad to hear that the party was a success!

I'm so glad to hear that you are pursuing a further educations! That is such terrific news! You'll have to let me know how it feels to go back with babies!

Jenn said...

I'm glad the party went well...I'm sorry we couldn't be there. (Meg FINALLY stopped wheezing yesterday, and I came down with it STILL hacking and coughing). Praying no one else in the household gets it. As soon as we're all healthy, we would like to come by and bring the birthday girl her present. It will go quite nicely(!!) with her beloved Hanna 'tanna (in Meg's words) Barbie.

I'm excited for your new career goals. It must feel good (great!) to be able to stretch that creative muscle again. I think going back to school will be very fulfilling and you'll do great!