I've come to the conclusion that while I may be a seasoned designer, I do NOT take criticism well. I think it goes hand in hand with my pet peeve for being made to feel stupid which stems from dealing with my brother who was the typical middle child, me being the older sister had issues all my own. It's not like I feel like I'm better than everyone else, it's just that I think sometimes people don't know what they're talking about. :) In feeling this way, I often have a tendency to burn my bridges and get mad initially and then relent. Case in point, the site redesign for the CAID found in this post. I had to send the comp to them to get their opinion about it and I was so confident that they'd like it, I didn't give myself any room for real changes and when I get their email back, I was dumbfounded. Plus, the use of the word "circus" in reference to some of the items, I took offense to. So stupid. I need to realize that it's THEIR site, it may be my baby while I'm creating it, but I can't read minds and nothing is ever going to be perfect. My email response to them was a bit on the snarky side and their response was that of surprise for my reaction to their requested changes. Mind you, they are getting this site for the cost of FREE, and some of their requests were a bit excessive so in some case I was right to be frustrated. We've since ironed things out, so it's good and I was given some good advice about thick skin and all.
However, lastnight I was designing my Sully & Marge logo and was at the point where I didn't love it, but I'd guessed it would do. A friend made some suggestions and the outcome was awesome, I am so happy with the results. I really can't wait to get going on this venture, it feels like a really good fit.
As a 'once' hairdresser, and being a caterer I too had issues with someone not being happy, but a good percentage were, I guess it's a balance. I have the tendency to get those hair brained ideas I throw at you, so I hope I do not frustrate you. I look forward to a long partnership in some efforts together.
I plan on paying you not only $$$, but in many compliments. I love the logo! *wink* :)
Have a good day, and if I find that genie in the bottle I will trade lives with you and you can sip on some good wine on my patio and enjoy the peace and quiet :)
Oh, I just was reminded of my web designer who would complain about a few clients who made him aggravated on many occasions!
I hear ya'! I used to work on a couple of non-profit sites and it was frustrating at times. Just remember the ole' ten second rule. It's saved my behind a number of times.
I think we all have come across issues like this. Its one of the reasons why I hate putting my work for show on public sites like Threadless and such cause other artists will always find something they would have done different, instead of saying "hey that's cool, good job". Most of the time they try and find a way to take a jab at your skills instead of being constructive.
Elena, has a good point. Ten seconds will save your behind in the long run. You just have to remember the majority of people are stupid most of the time, and understand that clients would rather have you try and read their minds instead of just telling you what they want the first time.
Have a good day.
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