I'm all about the idea that your life has already been mapped out for you, and you just have to enjoy the ride, but do you think that the "universe" gives you clues along the way? I like to think that your "clues" are really those tiny bursts of happiness that occur when you know that what you're doing in that instant is exactly what you're supposed to be doing. I've been having those lately, when I create my invitations for my company Sully & Marge or anything associated with that. It's what I want for my life! What is giving you those little moments of excitement these days, I'd love to know?
I have reached a decision though, I've decided to see a psychiatrist. I've always been an emotional gal, but in the last few months, it seems to be getting in the way of the everyday. Well, at least probably 4-5 days out of the week anyway. I know where it all stems from, stress over Matt wanting a better job, not having enough money to survive much beyond paying the bills, getting our mortgage modified yet again and a little more personal stuff that I won't into here (a girls gotta have her secrets). It's all adding up and making for some pretty rough days, and the only thing that seems to get me through are the kids love and my escape in being a designer.
I'm so thankful I found my vocation, because if I had to add that in with the other stresses, I don't know where I'd be emotionally, probably in a padded room somewhere I suppose. I knew over ten years ago who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do, yet I'm not exactly where I'd hoped I'd be. I do know that I have the rest of my life to get there, so I am somewhat hopeful.
We had a party for Stella's birthday yesterday, she'd turned 6 on the 9th. We'd planned to only have immediate family, but it ended up being slightly more. One small family in particular ended making for a very interesting evening. Let's just say, without knowing what each other was thinking, after everyone had left, I walked onto the porch where Matt was smoking and both of us without missing a beat, made a reference to Cousin Eddie from the National Lampoon movies. Matt said he'd "never felt more like Clark Griswold in his life" and I said "doesn't he remind you of that guy from those National Lampoon movies?" I could go into detail, but I am unsure of who reads this blog, so I will say nothing more. And, if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, then watching only one of these movies I've referenced will give you all the info you need, but "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" is probably the best example I can think of.
Aside from all that, Stella is growing up way too fast in my opinion. She wanted among other items, open toed high heeled shoes. I said "no way" but in the end, I found some sandals meeting all those requirements in her size. And, to her credit, she walks very well in them. lol We also gave her a Justin Bieber CD, and yes, she has the "Feve for the Bieb!" We also bought the new Alice in Wonderland for her, love that movie. Well, that's the catch up for now. Later.
Nothing wrong with talking things out with someone. I have done it through a marriage, children, abuse as a child and so much more- things do become clear, and there is so much more when you do not hold it in- internalizing fear and hopelessness, even in small amounts bother our children, because they can see things we think we are hiding-
Hugs and love from one of your biggest fans :)
I should join you and go into therapy myself. I completely understand all of your stresses and feel many of them day to day. I sure hope it helps!
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