Friday, October 10, 2008

What's Wrong With Me!

Am I having a hormone surge that I'm not fully aware of? Am I just a stick in the mud? I am just feeling down the last couple of days. Not like depressed, but just not yeah happy like I think I should be. I mean, I could use for the heavens to raineth money down upon us, but we're ok. I think it's because I keep waiting for this stupid reimbursement check to come in and every day it doesn't, I get irritated. But, it's not all about money. Things have just felt sort of rutty lately. Went to the doctor today and knew I probably gained some weight because I'd been eating like a little pregnant piggy and to my shock, I gained over 7 pounds. Wow! For me, that feels like a lot in 2 weeks. Maybe I should try NOT eating 6 meals a day.

In other news, we watched Oprah the other day and have decided to unplug all pluggable items when they are not in use so as to lower of some times excessive energy bill. The last one was for $160 or so, we're going to try to see how low we can go with unplugging as much as we can handle, you know tv, lamps, alarm clocks, radios, stove, furnace/air (just turned off) and turning off lights until we need them. It should be interesting if I can just get Stella to turn her bedroom light off when she leaves her room. So far, so good. I'll let you know what the verdict is.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hm, we must be on the same wavelength this week!

I was in a slump earlier this week too. I don't mind being frugal and all, but when the budget remains tight for weeks and the stock market is in the crapper, it gets pretty old. FAST.

I was waiting for a $569 reimbursement check this week too that never came - grrr. They admitted they goofed and will fix it. Fortunately, I didn't need the money this.very.minute - but will soon. So hopefully they won't dilly dally.

We've been paring down here as well. Turning lights off. Cancelled Cinemax and HBO on our cable bill. Switched to a smaller cell phone plan. Cancelled the Orkin service for the basement (BIG step for me!! - that means I have to stomp on the spiders and kill them myself! Eegads!). Stocking up the pantry on frequently purchased items that are on sale - especially since Meijers and Krogers seem to have slowed down on the 10/$10 sale items lately. And today I even hung the bed sheets, blankets and rugs out to dry instead of using the dryer!

I figure every little bit helps, right? I'm looking at this as a challenge and am looking forward to seeing if these changes make a difference in the budget next month.

Hang in there!