Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Final Reveal.

I've been keeping the baby to be's name sort of "hidden" so to speak, just because we weren't exactly certain, but since I've gone and painted it on his wall, here goes. Here a picture of the wall mural and his crib. We just really wanted a strong sounding name that we felt could really stand alone. We also wanted a name we'd never heard before, well as a first name anyway. Since reading up on it, I've learned that it can either be used for a boy or a girl, which I did not consider, but to me, it best suits a boy. No, neither one of us are jewish, not that it matters, but since choosing this name, you wouldn't believe the guff we've gotten. We like what we like and it's the one name of tons that we both agreed on, and since it's now on the wall, there is no way in hell I'm changing it. We are still deciding on a middle name, but my vote is Jefferson, so that if at some point he just hates his name, he can go by CJ. I'm not completely heartless, but what kid just loves there name at every point in their life. I think even just having my name was difficult, simply because there were never many girls with that name I'd heard before entering junior high.
And, not to be outdone, the little miss insisted on having her name on her wall, but it HAD to be different and of course GIRLY! So, here is hers. It isn't quite completed, but we're close.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For sure he'll be the only kid in class with that name.
I love the paint job. Looks fantastic!