Thursday, September 4, 2008

Her Latest Phrase.

I think it's come from me, but I can't be certain. She will state "My God!" lately when she is either enraged about something or sort of surprised. On the way to the mall tonight we were again talking about the baby and how small he'll be when he's born and then how he'll get big like her and how he won't have teeth but he'll get those and how he will have some hair, but likely he'll lose most of it and then regrow it. Without missing a beat she says, "my god, is it MAGIC?" She is wise beyond her years I think. Here's a cute pic of her in her (I had to buy them, they were too cute and we were already returning a pair of too small tennis shoes) new pink cow girl boots. She loves them already! A girl after my own heart, she loves her some new shoes.


Unknown said...

Love the boots.

JackeeG4glamorous said...

Ya know, who doesn't want pink cowboy boots really?