Anyway, we've both been to his shows I think 3 years in a row or so, I even won tickets one year, while working at my bosses house sitting on the commode, "can't believe I just typed that." But, I thought it was the coolest thing. He puts on an amazing show and if you are the least bit interested in his music, you should attend at least one show, it won't be your last. Sadly this year, I cannot justify the cost of the ticket, even though it is only $30.50 per ticket, a very small price to pay for such entertainment. And, really, I can't unload my children on my parents with Cohen only being not quite 7 weeks at that point. Even a doting grandparent would probably say "NO" to that request.
I guess what I'm saying is that this year there will at least be 2 extra seats left available to 2 lucky newbies to discover the true joy of Ben Folds experience. Have a great time, I'll be dieing of jealousy.
I <3 Ben Folds! Is he on tour right now or just having a one time concert? I've never seen him live, but I would love to! My favorite song is Cigarette...
I'm not even sure why, but I just love that song!
OMGosh, it's Matt's long lost twin!! Seriously, I thought that was an old picture of Matt!
LOL...I just showed this post to Steve and he said, "Hey, that guy looks JUST like Matt!"
Sucks! I want to go now!! hahaha
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