Sunday, January 4, 2009

Number Three: Late, But As Promised.

Here is another paper. I know, sort of a cop out, but I've been really tired, what with a newborn and a 4.5 year old to take care of. Is anyone enjoying any of this. Please, let me know if you've done anything with this beyond downloading it. I would love to know. 

I call this one, "The Forest For The Trees" and, grab it here, as for the brushes used, I cannot take the credit and have misplaced the peoples names, but I found them here at Deviant Art, it's a great website for all things creative, check it out. Of course, if I ever do turn around and sell it, I cannot include those brushes and will indeed have to come up with my very own grunge brushes. I can do that, I've just been lazy. 

Well, I hope you like it.

1 comment:

melliemacker said...

Hi, yes, I am totally enjoying this.