Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Glimpse Into My Past.

Over the last week or so I have been color correcting some of my moms old photos of my brothers and myself when I stumbled upon this little gem.
Me in my circa 1977 stroller complete with all the dangerous crap manufacturers compiled into one contraption. Note first the metal bar within close proximity to my itty bitty mouth fully capable of bashing the teeth out of my head. Not to mention all the fun little pinch points for little fingers to fit in between. In addition, this thing looks like it could topple forward if I were to lean too far over. Great job moms of the seventies, how did we survive with these dangerous "baby items" and sleeping on our stomachs?


Unknown said...

no car seats either, and rarely did we use seat belts. And I don't remember a single kid ever going into anaphalictic shock due to a pb&j

Brook said...

How cute!!! Yeah That stroller looks a little dangerous...

Ker said...

Lol, that is amazing! I have no idea how any of us survived our childhood, let alone our time in the womb with mothers that ate deli meat while they were pregnant!

I wish I had some baby pictures of myself, lol.

Jenn said...

Yep, my mom had one of those strollers too. I think she tossed it after my little sister's finger got pinched REALLY bad. And like Sue said, no car seats either. My parents used to put me in the bouncy seat in the car of all things. Can you imagine?!